06 mei Dineren met Kelis
Ze is de dochter van een Chinese Puerto-Ricaanse en een Afro-Amerikaanse vader. R&b-zangeres Kelis Rogers heeft nog een carrière: ze is kok. Dat is te merken aan haar liedjes die doorgaans over eten gaan. Het nummer Milkshake (van het album Tasty) leidde tot haar doorbraak in de Verenigde Staten en was ook een hit in Nederland.
En nu is er haar album Food. Daarop staan nummers als Friday Fish Fry, Biscuits N´ Gravy, Cobbler en Jerk Ribs. Maar er is voor Kelis meer dan muziek alleen. Zo heeft ze haar eigen show op The Cooking Channel: Saucy & Sweet. Een paar jaar geleden trad ze op in Texas, op het grote festival SXSW in Austin. Met haar Food truck voorzag ze de bezoekers van eten.
Friday Fish Fry
I said, oh my daddy, game’s over
I said, oh my daddy, game’s over
I said, oh my daddy, game’s over
I said, oh my daddy, game’s over
I said I’m making you peace
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down onmy knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
You said: that’s the thing
And I just don’t want to fight
See, the bottom of what I said
Is that, take that man, take that man to bed
On the contrary
I know who to sit
I know you ain’t right
You ain’t right
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
‘The idea sounds nice but
Darling, you’re not even my type, you see’
Hey, you, yeah, you, yeah, you
I need ice, cold water
I need ice, cold water
She needs ice, cold water
She needs ice, cold water
She needs ice, cold water
She needs ice, cold water
‘No, not too close to me
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want now, baby
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
Give me what I want
Give me what I need
I said, I’m begging you, please
I’m down on my knees
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